Invisible Beauty x BKc Merch Raffle: Win a $225 Exclusive Hoodie in Honor of Bethann Hardison’s “Invisible Beauty” Documentary


Bethann Hardison, often called the ultimate fashion ‘Godmother,’ has been a trailblazer for women of color in the fashion industry for decades. She was one of the first Black models to walk the runways on 7th Avenue, which were predominantly reserved for white models in the 70s. Her impact in the industry has been immense and transformative.

In her recent documentary, “Invisible Beauty,” viewers get a full look into Bethann’s life, from her modeling career to her relationship with her son, Kadeem Hardison, her modeling agency, and her advocacy work with the Black Girls Coalition, a support group she founded for models of color.

Bethann was discovered in the late 60s by African American designer Willie Smith in her Brooklyn neighborhood, Bedford-Stuyvesant. Her career quickly took off, leading her to model across the world, including a notable moment in France during the Battle of Versailles. In “Invisible Beauty,” she recalls how placing an unusual object on her head during the show was a powerful act of defiance, asserting the presence and strength of Black models in the industry.

This turning point made Bethann realize her potential to reshape the fashion industry’s perspectives on Black women. After retiring from modeling alongside Iman Abdulmajid, she founded the Bethann Management Agency in 1984, representing groundbreaking models like Naomi Campbell, Tyson Beckford, and Kimora Lee Simmons. Her mission was to diversify the runway and ensure models of color were seen and celebrated.

Claire Sulmers, CEO of Fashion Bomb, had the honor of meeting Bethann and celebrating “Invisible Beauty” with Kadeem and other friends. Sulmers, like many others, is inspired by Bethann’s relentless fight against fashion industry discrimination. The work Bethann began is still crucial today, reminding us all to continue battling for inclusivity.

To honor Bethann Hardison and her documentary “Invisible Beauty,” Fashion Bomb Daily has teamed up with Magnolia Pictures and Invisible Beauty to release an exclusive hoodie by The BK Circus. Featuring a “B” on the front and “Invisible Beauty” on the back, this premium hoodie is a stylish way to celebrate her legacy.

You can enter the contest to win this hoodie by liking the post, tagging a friend, and sharing to your story while tagging @Magnoliapics, @InvisibleBeautyFilm, and @fashionbombdaily by Monday, Nov. 6th.

Bethann Hardison’s story is a crucial reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in fashion. Her tireless efforts have given countless individuals a platform to shine in an industry that often overlooks them. It is essential to keep her legacy alive and continue pushing for change.

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